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_Blue and Red vote for July 2024  (Blog Banner).png
Vote for August on your November Ballot for: 
  • Oregon House Distict 2 AND
  • Rural New Deal   

Four Pillars of Campaign

The problems we face today are deeply rooted and complex, and will not be solved when approached with fear or division. My campaign is focused on working with local experts and providing concrete improvements in areas where we can make a difference; specifically housing, workers rights, and sustainability that provides a Rural New Deal for House District 2.

Housing, Homelessness

  • Housing first approach

  • food, water, and shelter are basic human rights we can provide,

  • respecting all community members as citizens


  • Natural & Economic

  • promote access to natural resources ie. parks, north umpqua trail

  • protecting resources for continued community benefit, enjoyment, habitability, and profit.

Workers Rights

  • Exponential inflation vs stagnant wages

  • Lack of benefits, healthcare, retirement

  • Tackling levels of monopolization we haven't seen since the Gilded age 


Education  & Training

  • Raise teacher pay to compensate for an incredibly demanding and crucial role in shaping the next generation 

  • Provide educators with the resources they need by providing funding to public school while ensuring funds are spent in ways that directly benefit students

  • Based on individual needs of students

  • For benefit to the community and country

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