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Hi, I'm August


My name is August Warren and won the write-in campaign in the May Primary.  Now I will be your progressive in the General Election in November to be your Oregon House District 2 Representative.  I am running because I am deeply concerned about the issues threatening our community.  The urgency of this moment means we cannot wait for change, we must enact it ourselves. 


The problems we face today are deeply rooted and complex, which will not be solved when approached with fear or division. My campaign is focused on working with local experts and providing concrete improvements in areas where we can make a difference; specifically housing, workers rights, education, and healthcare. However we must do this by making sure our efforts are sustainable.  


I moved to Oregon to pursue a career working in the forest. Currently I assist in leading crews doing wildfire fuel reduction work for the Oregon Conservation Corp (OCC).  I grew up in the south and worked my way through college pursuing a degree in philosophy and environmentalism at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga.  Prior to coming to Oregon, I worked in construction, retail, and coached youth soccer.


I support the Rural New Deal and specific platform issues based on four pillars that I believe builds and supports a healthy and sustainable community for everyone.  These pillars represent inalienable rights to housing, health care, education and equitable economy. All supporting the fundamentals we need for a sustainable future.     


Service for Public Good

Government is for the benefit of the public good. We must make sure that it serves us all. My mission is to work with that goal in mind as your public servant. I will never be a shill or mouthpiece for corporate interests, but I will be your rural voice in Salem. My door will always be open to the people even if I don't always agree.  I believe we all have more in common than not and finding common ground should be accomplished whenever possible.   

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